Exposure OLAS


Exposure Lights are much more than just torches, they combine high powered LED search capabilities with our patented MOB Technology and precision engineering to create floating, water activated strobes. This allows you to not only use the light to search but also as a position indicating light when in the water.

Our knowledge has been gained through a close working relationship with the world's top offshore sailing teams where reliability and function are mandatory. Our extensive heritage in portable LED lighting from the Search and Rescue market has driven the patented MOB technology which can now be found as standard on all Volvo Ocean Racing yachts along with our RAW Pro head torch, which has become the professional sailor's choice.

"When we sail at night we are looking for the best lights, that are reliable. We use always the same trim torch, the MOB Carbon. With the MOB system if someone falls into the water we can throw it in the water knowing it will act as a MOB light. It is the perfect one for me."

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