Opening and closing a fastener – a short and ordinary moment that most of us encounter many times every day. Why not take this moment and create something special from it? That is what drives us at FIDLOCK – opening and closing as a unique moment, supporting adults and children in daily routines with an exciting connection of function & fun. This is expressed by the intuitive handling and comfort of our magnetic fasteners which we base on our one-of-a-kind recipe for success: The FIDLOCK concept.

The story of the FIDLOCK premium magnetic fasteners began with an inventive musician – our creative founder and former professional cellist, Joachim Fiedler. During his career as a musician, he was frequently bothered by the unpractical handling of his bow holder. After sitting down with his Cello, he was too often stressed by the struggle of reaching his bow: Handling the bow holder with only one hand took quite long and it is needless to say that he did not want to let go of his cello with the other hand. A better solution was required. His inventive genius, which already showed itself on childhood sketches of crazy machines, didn't let go of the idea to innovate the bow holder. Why? Because he wanted to make it as easy as possible for the user, letting him focus on what really matters, in this case, the music. Therefore, he already focused on intuitiveness and comfort – features which can support not only cello players in their daily routine and rekindled the pioneering spirit of Joachim Fiedler.

Our founder quickly recognized that quick and secure fastening with intuitive handling facilitates daily routines for many people in diverse situations, even with an extra fun factor. Small child hands enjoy a fastener which they can open and close with ease as well – driven by the pioneering spirit, the first idea for a school bag fastener was born. Thanks to the special haptics of our fasteners, it did not take long for new ideas to emerge, e.g. for users that frequently wear gloves or areas which don’t always allow a direct view of the fastener. Today, we support children and adults, athletes, and industries with a large variety of buckles and fasteners that turn the moment of opening and closing them into a positive experience – based on our patented, magnetic-mechanical FIDLOCK-concept.

Magnets and reversed polarities already greatly influenced the development of the bow holder. They do not only facilitate the handling but also add fun to the process. Today, our innovative fasteners which are created by our creative developers are still based on that initial idea. Combined with a mechanical lock, we create a fastening mechanism with unique functionality, supporting customers with intuitive and secure features. We are confronted with the moment of opening and closing a fastener countless times – and it often makes up the first touchpoint with a product. A FIDLOCK fastener turns it into a special experience with a wow factor.

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