Our company have been existed since 1984 in Krosno, near Mosina. Right there, in this small village back then, production-service plant IDMAR was built.

At the beginning we were producing just ball valves for gas installation. Since then Idmar has gone through several big transformations and reached some milestones, which contributed to today’s Idmar Group’s status.

Currently we are one of the biggest manufacturers of radiators and industrial and installation valves, not only in Poland but also overseas. It is documented by array of certificates and also by compatibility with ISO standard, which we implemented as the first in Poland in this industry.

As everyone knows, company is not just a building, it is people who create it. We have always placed importance on employees’ development. Thanks to this approach our work team consist of high-qualified masters of their crafts: logisticians, engineers, designers and sales representatives. It is thanks to them that we are in the front row in our industry and have diverse customer portfolio. Our clients have been cooperating with us for many fruitfull years.

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