Konutherm BV


Thermal fluid heating systems: the expertise of Konutherm

Thermal oil and water glycol. These are the most common thermal fluids that we, as Konutherm, have been using since 1966 for heat transfer in the process industry, offshore, dredging and inland shipping. Thermal fluid installations, regardless of which brand or type, are our expertise. With appropriate advice and customized design, we guide you to an optimal design of your heating system. And do not let precious energy or fuel be lost.

Konutherm has the necessary knowledge and skills to provide you with fast and professional service with required periodic inspections, maintenance, faults and repairs. For this purpose we have, among other things, our own stock of parts and a worldwide network of agents involved. We are ISO 9001 and SCIOS certified and can deliver in accordance with the various branch-related standards.

Do you want to be assured of an economical, safe and optimal operation of your thermal oil heater or water glycol heating system? Konutherm helps you get started with professional advice and personal guidance!

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