Old Town Canoes & Kayaks
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As summer fades into fall and inevitably into winter, many of us put away the canoes, kayaks, and summer outdoor gear for a cold winter nap. Even though our summer gear lies dormant, that doesn't mean we should.
We partnered with CrossFit Bangor to provide some helpful fitness and nutrition tips to help keep you healthy and feeling great throughout the year and ready for when it's time to get back out on the water.
You should consider talking to your doctor before beginning any high-intensity exercise program or if you have concerns about how a new exercise regimen could affect your health.
Three Pillars of Fitness for Paddlers
According to Melinda Metten, owner of CrossFit Bangor, living a healthy, balanced life consists of three equally important pillars: mental health, physical ability, and nutrition. Let's take a look at each fitness pillar.
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