From 1980 the P.M.P. is engaged in the planning and realization of Biochippers and Aspirator of leaves.
All our Biochippers are professional machines that concur to obtain a remarkable speed of preparation and job.
Ours machines reduce the volume of the refuse of approximately 5 times, of the ramaglie, wrap some, various prunings and all residual of the normal operations of maintenance of parks and garden.
We have large range that goes from the 9 HP to the 50 HP, accredited on road, to attack to the tractor, mounted on self-driven crawler track.
Endowed of electronic system NO-STRESS of series and it arranges of cut to seams with blades, optimal for the production of bio masses, usable also in in the boilers fed to cipped.
The Exhaust fans equip of motors from the 6 to the 16 HP and to attack to tractor, use you for the aspiration of leaves (also bathed) but suitable also pearl collection of refusals, which bottles in plastic, paper, grass etc.
Fundamental for our company it is the choice of the suppliers, which qualitatively resupply us of semifinished guaranteed.
The continuous put into effect search, has concurred to assert to us to us also on the foreign markets like England, Spain, Germany, France, Belgium etc.
From various years we are present during the fairs manifestations more important which Eima than Bologna, Flormart of Padova etc.
Currently we commercialize also photovoltaic lamps to solar energy, indicated for the lighting system of parks and garden and moreover street lamps and marks them blinkings.
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