The cost of shipping is different for each seller, so please always check your order summary to understand the shipping charges for each product.
There are NO hidden fees when shopping on the Nautic Gate marketplace. Catalog prices are final and include everything. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you will pay. Delivery charges are not hidden charges and are charged depending on the seller's shipping policy. (For some sellers, the delivery fee is not charged at all - Shipping Free)
It is possible that the seller or our courier partners have a working holiday between the day you place your order and the delivery date, which is based on the timelines shown on the product page. In this case, it is better to find out about the delivery date on the website of the courier service (tracking the shipment with the assigned number or code).
Some courier partners and sellers do not work on Saturdays or Sundays and this is taken into account in the delivery date. Sellers usually procure and ship items within the timeframe listed on the product page. Working days do not include national holidays, Saturdays and Sundays (various national holidays in individual countries of the world).
If orders are placed during a holiday period such as Christmas or New Year, the partners and couriers working with Nautic Gate will be busier than usual and as a result all necessary deadlines are usually extended. When a country is processing a large volume of orders, it will take longer to deliver everything on time and expect delays.
You may have found different estimated lead times from product sellers if you are interested. Delivery times are affected by product availability, the geographic location of the seller, the destination of your shipment, the red tape of the authorities, as well as the delivery time of the courier partner in your location, but also the adverse weather that sometimes allows for transit time. In some countries, external weather effects such as snowfall, storms, waves, hail, typhoons, earthquakes, etc. may play a big role in the delivery of the shipment.
If you found out during the order that the Seller does not or cannot ship to my area, in this case it is necessary that you contact the Seller for additional information or search for local companies that provide assisted purchase from the country in which the goods are located and forward shipments to your home or delivery address. Restrictions on whether or not the seller ships to your address may be due to the following reasons:
- Legal restrictions and customs regulations & quotas, if any, when sending specific products to your country (
- Availability of reliable courier partners in your location
- Sometimes sellers prefer not to ship to certain countries or locations.
This is entirely at their discretion - It is possible to use third-party services and look for local companies that provide assisted purchase from the countries in which the goods are located and forward shipments to your home or delivery address.
In the event that the product was not delivered on the expected date and you received a delivery confirmation by email/SMS, please report the problem to us and the seller within 7 days of the delivery confirmation dates for the seller to investigate.
The seller is responsible for having a refund policy (if the ordered and paid shipment has not been delivered) in place and the implementation of the refund policy must be clear and transparent to the buyer. If the item is not delivered within the stated delivery time, which is 30 days (unless otherwise agreed), a refund request can be made and the seller should honor it. If the return does not occur, please contact the Nautic Gate Support Team who will deal with the non-delivery of the item directly with the seller or possibly with the courier service.
But if you decide you need to send it back, you can do so without any problems. Our 30 day return policy should return all orders. On our site, you will be able to collect from anywhere in the world and pay with payment, credit/debit cards issued in 22 countries or by money transfer, but you will always be able to get that the address is correct and error-free, so that the whole transaction goes smoothly and is your satisfaction comes first.
We recommend that you save or create a copy of the order overview (PDF, JPEG, PRTSCR) when summarizing orders, so that it is possible to complain in the event of any discrepancies or updates, changes to the conditions and price of delivery of the shipment at the selected seller.
We are sure you will be satisfied with your purchase.
Power by NauticGate in cooperation Yacht Boat News & Yachts Boats World
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