
Our mission is to provide you world's best fins for your sports & challenge, fun & adventure. All our fins  - for freediving, rescue, spear fishing, body surf, fin-swimming - are custom made, produced according to your individual needs and wishes.  The combination of product innovation, specifically developed materials and long-experienced workmanship makes our fins really alive and powerful - which you can feel in their high technical perfomance and durability.

Our vision is to be constantly in development - as you in your performance. E.g.  currently we work on refining the materials. We are also working on new models and types. We work in closest co-operation with world's leading sportsmen and experts for testing our products.

Who we are? Our production team consists of former fin-swimmers. Our production manager is 2 times world champion in underwater orientation, having experience in fins production for almost 15 years. Until the beginning of year 2003 whole our team worked under Sebak Ltd, but since March 2003 we started our independent way as SpecialFins Ltd.

As materials for fins we use hand-laminated multilayer mixture of resins and other chemicals, which are vacuum processed in special moulds and fibreglass from Denmark and Russia, specially developed for our fins.  SpecialFins Ltd. has delivered its high quality fins to more than 40 countries all over the world.

Are you interested? We are happy to provide you with our flexible and quick service. Come up with your ideas and we'll help you to make them real!

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