Yamarin Powerboats

Yamarin is a top-quality craft that combines the long-established Finnish tradition of skilled boat building with state-of-the-art design and manufacturing technology.
The main strength of Yamarin is superior handling. This makes Yamarin craft easy to drive and comfortable to ride in and guarantees a safe trip for the entire boating party.
Yamarin is a safe choice. You get a durable boat where ageless design, quality materials and seamless operation with a Yamaha outboard – the world’s most popular outboard brand – combine into a unit that commands respect. When you need a bigger craft, changing is easy thanks to Yamarin’s popularity in used boat markets.
With Yamarin, you can cruise right into the best summer experiences, such as unforgettable journeys along the coast, enjoyable day trips on nearby waters or memorable fishing trips at the break of dawn – everything you desire in boating.
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