Acuva Technologies

Acuva Technologies

After entrepreneur Manoj Singh quit Tata Motors in India after an 11 year career, he enrolled in full time in an MBA program at the University British Columbia. During this exciting 15 month period, he interacted with a very diverse and smart group of cohorts that rekindled his inner desire to be a part of solutions that help alleviate basic human global needs and problems, such as clean water, electricity, and access to basic health care.

During this period, one of the technologies that stood out for Manoj was UV-LED technology. It appeared to be very promising for various applications but most interesting to him was it’s ability to purify water in rural and most under developed settings and because it is a proven technology for disinfection of microbes.

Shortly after that, Manoj met Dr Fariborz Taghipour, a professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering department at UBC and the inventor of UV-LED disinfection technology. It took no time for both of them to realize that they shared the same vision and mission to contribute to make this world a better place and improve access to basic human needs such as clean water, using UV technology as a key driver.

In October, 2014 with a lot of excitement, aspirations and $25,000 of their own hard earned capital Acuva was incorporated and in 2016, Acuva launched their first UV-LED based water purification system targeted at the US market but always keeping an eye on their vision of enabling affordable clean drinking water in countries like India, SE Asia and Africa.

Since this time Acuva has raised several million dollars of funding and grants, onboarded a diverse and talented team in Canada and other countries, advanced their IP portfolio to over 22 patents globally and travelled around the world to meet people and companies who needs these products and solutions meet.

Today Acuva are focused on broadening access to their technology around the globe and providing access to affordable clean drinking water in as many countries as possible.

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