For the founders of AdmiralsTender it was crystal clear: A traditional tender, the original form, classic and sporty, classy and timeless. Of Dutch origin and national maritime "heritage", that is where the roots of AdmiralsTender lie.The perfect instrument for ultimate boating pleasure, sailing fast or slow. Enjoy the pure water experience, with friends or family. Notice and feel that as soon as you board and sail with her..
In 2005 the contours of the idea for the AdmiralsTender began to take shape. The development of AdmiralsTender did not happen overnight. The characteristic line of the ship, based on a design by renown Van de Stadt Design, then gave the idea direction. For many years AdmiralsTender has been known for its high finish, top performance and good looks!
AdmiralsTender has continued to innovate. Around 60 tenders have now been built. It started with the C28, the "mother of all tenders", and the S28 and X28 have since been added. All the same shape and length, with a different layout. And the story continues: The lines are plotted on the drawing board for a larger tender with a length of 38 feet. More about that soon!
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