Result of centuries of experience from Scandinavian boat-builders

The new Finnish Arctic boats are first-class all-weather vessels, which feel as comfortable in cold northern waters as in their native environment. The Arctic's manufacturers have translated their vast experience and know-how into innovative solutions that correspond to the modern vision of a pleasure boat's reliability. The key features of the Arctic premium boats are high speed, complete safety and the best seaworthiness, without compromising on comfort. All of this creates a good match with the boats' advanced appearance, clever design, and extremely high quality.

From the fiords and the Atlantic Ocean

The Arctic boats reflect both the vast experience of Norwegian shipbuilders and the Finnish modern vision for design and ecological problems. The parent brand name is from the largest and the oldest shipyard in Norway – Askeladden. In 2006, this honored boat-builder from Norway, highly recognized by marine professionals and by water recreation enthusiasts, focused on an ambitious task – to launch the Commuter boat range for heavy northern operating conditions. It is these technically advanced powerboats with an ideal design that became the prototypes of the Arctic series of boats.

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