ASAP Water Crafts

Whilst studying Product Design at Loughborough University, Ross would spend evenings training with his lifesaving club, where his fascination with rescue equipment started.

Ross saw an opportunity for a quick launch rescue water craft - that could be launched anywhere, by one person, to power through water to reach casualties quicker.

Short on space Ross set about making the first prototype in a tent in his garden - much to the annoyance of his neighbour Margaret (she thought he was building a spaceship).

During development he realised being blasted through the water was a lot of fun - the feeling of water rushing over your body also quite addictive! So we also designed Wave Jam our leisure models - excellent for exploring caves, catching waves and more.

After a few years of development and water testing, we work with a factory partner where our Wave Jam and Rescue water crafts are hand built in the UK.

We have some really exciting plans to get more people out on the water and a fantastic team making this happen.  We love having adventures outdoors and hope you'll join us.

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