Ellis Boat Company


Being part of a family business can be a joy and source of pride, especially when your job is to manufacture beautiful custom boats. In 1947, Ralph Ellis embarked on the legendary boat-building venture with Raymond Bunker in Southwest Harbor, Maine. The subsequent partnership of “Bunker and Ellis” established a remarkable legacy of building classic lobster yachts. In the 1980’s, this legacy was passed on to Ralph’s son, Don Ellis, in the name of Ellis Boat Company. Fast-forward to today. There are over 300 custom Ellis Boats traversing the seas, all built with the pride that is inherent with a family-owned business. Don’s two sons, Shane and Anthony, have both settled on Mount Desert Island and maintain a close connection to Ellis Boat Company – Anthony spending time in production and Shane involved with Marketing/Sales. The youngest generation includes seven children, ages 1-9. Cedar Ellis, age 9, wants to be “a builder” when he grows up. Perhaps he will become the 4th generation of Ellis boat-builders?
