EMA doo


We are an innovative European company with a 30-year tradition of specialization in comprehensive solutions in the following areas:

industrial labeling and packaging,
ensuring the traceability of goods in production, logistics and warehousing and
monitoring of conditions.
The costs of our personal and business development are difficult to implement and continuously monitor technological innovation. We are committed to providing a comprehensive solution with which we provide our business partners with higher productivity and the necessary competitive diversity, as well as to achieve professional diversity and progress.

Our vision is to be a leading European provider of comprehensive solutions to ensure the traceability of goods from the production line to the final consumer. The cork is long-term and suitable for the position of the leading supplier of telematics solutions in the field of monitoring of substances in the web.

EMA d.o.o. seg at the beginning of the summer of 1990. Our knowledge is first set in the field of engineering solutions for industrial product labeling and packaging with the production and packaging process. With professionally trained staff and a visionary approach, we have succeeded in healing their presence in all parts of the industry, both at home and in the Croatian market (www.primark.hr), in the field of labeling systems.

Today, we do not know what we have and what we know, as well as the full range of services we provide to users around the world, engineering and system monitoring of the monitoring and surveillance of whole fleets. In Slovenia, we remain the leading provider of labeling and traceability systems from production lines onwards to the final consumer.

What is the cruelty of our success? In vision and action, that for a number of years we have been growing together with the users of our services, with the aim of effectively satisfying their needs and creating our common feasibility
