His raison d'être was at its birth the production of unsinkable floating elements necessary for the construction of port buildings. It is only natural that the choice of rotational molding of thermoplastics has been made in comparison with more widespread processes, such as blow molding or thermoforming, whose investment and transformation costs are much higher.
After more than 10 years of production, ROTAX has produced and delivered the equivalent of 50,000 tons of lift worldwide, equivalent to the weight of the Titanic or 5 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower!
Thanks to this experience, ROTAX is now an expert in the development and production of marine products and accessories.
Take a look at our product pages, which are enriched with several new elements every year, and if you do not find a product that meets your needs, do not hesitate to contact us to study the feasibility of developing the required product.
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