SBA Interior Ltd is a leading supplier of high-quality interior systems for the maritime industry. The company manufactures and distributes classified non-combustible accommodation panelling systems and different types of beds for use on board ships. SBA products meet the requirements specific for marine conditions.

Another branch of SBA is subcontracting for the metal industry, i.e. making different components in sheet metal with high performance laser cutting machines.

SBA Interior Ltd was established in 1985, in the rural district of Mustio, Finland. In 2019 we moved our factory to new facilities located only about 20 km from old place. SBA is now located in Karjaa, in southern Finland, not far from the three largest cities of Finland and only some 75 km west of Helsinki. The geographic position makes it easy for us to do domestic as well as foreign business, as all major transport services and ports are at a close range.

SBA Interior Ltd employs about 100 people. Turnover 2020/12 was 19 million euros.

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