SIA Magistr

MAGISTR SIA was founded in 1991 as a private company by two founders – Tatjana and Jurijs Dovoreckis.

We produce synthetic threads, cords, ropes and products from them. We are one of the largest manufacturer companies in Eastern Europe. Our products are widely used in the fishing industry, construction, ship and yacht rigging, industrial and sport climbing.

Modern technologies and qualified staff favour the production of high quality goods corresponding to all EC standards that provides for the cooperation with numerous companies in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe islands, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunis, as well as in UAE and Ukraine, United Kingdom.

MAGISTR SIA take regular part in the international exhibitions and widen the range of goods, is actively involved into research work in cooperation with Latvian and Belarusian universities to implement latest technical and scientific achievement into production process.

Along with the main activity MAGISTR SIA successfully develops some additional activities. A four-star guest house “Villa Ksenija” and a car service and maintenance center “MAGISTR” (the official dealer of “PEUGEOT” and "KIA" in Latvia) belongs to the company.

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