SM Yachts

Serkan Bilgin gets acquainted with the yacht and mega yacht building sector thanks to the maritime profession coming from his family and later gains experience by working at Proteksan Turkuaz Shipyard, RMK Shipyard and Perini Navi Turkey Branch Yıldız Shipyard in Tuzla, Istanbul.
As a result of his experience, he establishes a joint company with his brothers in Tuzla, Istanbul under the name of Bilgin Kardeşler in 1997, and then establishes a small company called "KROMTEK" in 1998 in order to give new ideas to the products in the yacht sector with a different perspective and to offer better quality.
Establishes the "SM YACHTS" company in Tuzla, Istanbul in 1999 to increase production capacity and achieve greater goals.
Serkan Bilgin decides to open a branch in Antalya Free Zone in 2011, after SM YACHTS signs a contract with PERI YACHT for different yacht building projects to start in Antalya.
After Peri Yat's projects started production in Antalya, he decides to open a branch in the Antalya Free Zone with the offer. It performs all chrome production equipment of "Hanukamatata", "Desire" and "Ocean" yachts within the scope of PERI YACHT. After all these productions, he starts his projects with "SUNRISE" company. Considering that the standard of life and working quality is better than Istanbul's, he moves SM YACHTS center to Antalya Free Zone with the idea that "If you are not happy at your job, you cannot be happy in life.
By improving itself in the field of special production, SM YACHTS; It has opened the door to the European Market by creating new, better quality and improvable works and works with the best in Europe and continues its projects with the mutual values involved and with an endless momentum.
With the philosophy of “increasing business quality and customer satisfaction”, the company; It has reached a certain position in the European Market and its rise continues rapidly.
With this rise, it has adopted the philosophy of moving advanced levels further and has aimed to adopt this philosophy to its dozens of employees.
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