THR Marine

As manufacturer and supplier of Ten Horn and Ridderinkhof winches, windlasses, capstans, mooring winches etc. THR Marine pays much attention to the development of low-maintenance and environmentally winches. THR is one of the first companies what developed the electric-hydraulic driven winches and our latest development is with frequency driven winches.THR operates as a production company for winches and related products all designed by our own engineering department.

THR Marine supplies a complete range of POOL anchors made of high tensile welded steel with high or super high holding power. This product can be completed with the design of a flush anchor pocket. THR supplies amongst other anchors to international naval forces.

THR delivers all kind of mooring equipment such as bollards, chocks, warping rollers, fairleads, etc. Most types of mooring equipment are available from stock.

THR Marine is a flexible organization where you will meet enthusiastic people focusing their work on the world market and pursuing a customer-orientated approach. We are providing industrial goods and services tot he international nautical sector.

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