Viking Kayaks
We’re kayak fisherman. We’re not self-proclaimed kayak fisherman and weekend warriors. We’re REAL kayak fisherman in a constant search for rougher water, bigger fish, and better designs.
It all started out in a small shed in the New Zealand country side circa 1999 for Grant Montague – president of Viking Kayaks New Zealand. He fished big game pelagics, competed in the local tournaments, and began experimenting with kayak designs to make his kayak fishing passion more practical.
Grant wanted a better offshore fishing kayak and he noticed – through attending many of the major kayak fishing tournaments and industry events – feedback from many experienced and dedicated ‘kayak fishos’ heavily backed his concepts. It’s this feedback and time on the water that sparked the innovative ideas that then developed into the high performing and user friendly Viking fishing kayaks that true kayak fishermen have grown to love.
Grant believed that every aspect of his kayaks must have a purpose and benefit to the user. Simply put, nothing would be added for the sake of “more features”. We concentrate on getting the important things right – performance, comfort, stability and features that make you think – “wow, that works great!”